Owner: SAS JeSuisEnCours Share capital: €27,000
VAT number: FR 96 829342559 SoWeSign
Address: 10 allée Georges Noé 44860 Saint Aignan
Website: https://www.sowesoft.com
Owner: SAS JeSuisEnCours Share capital: €27,000
VAT number: FR 96 829342559 SoWeSign
Address: 10 allée Georges Noé 44860 Saint Aignan
Website: https://www.sowesoft.com
All data relating to the operation of the SoWeSign application is hosted in Europe.
The Microsoft Azure server sites we use are as follows:
The OVH server site is located in Gravelines, France.
JESUISENCOURS undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of personal data of Users of the Solution complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) and with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended. Therefore, each online service limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (data minimisation) and is accompanied by information on:
The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated or non-animated sequences, as well as all works incorporated into the website, are the property of JESUISENCOURS or third parties who have authorized JESUISENCOURS to use them.
Any commercial or profit-driven use of these images is strictly prohibited.
The logos, icons, and graphic elements displayed on the website are protected under copyright law and Articles L.511.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code regarding the protection of registered designs.
Reproductions of the website and the works displayed on it, whether on paper or in digital form, are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use, excluding any use for advertising, commercial, or informational purposes, and that they comply with the provisions of Article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Except as stated above, any reproduction, representation, use, or modification, by any means and on any medium, of all or part of the website or any of its constituent works, without prior authorization from JESUISENCOURS, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting.
JESUISENCOURS authorises any website or other medium to cite it or to set up a hypertext link to its content, provided that :
This authorisation does not apply to sites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public.
JESUISENCOURS reserves the right to request the removal of any link that it considers not to be in line with its editorial policy.
JESUIENCOURS cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the availability of sites that are the subject of a hypertext link pointing to the https://www.sowesoft.com site, and cannot accept any responsibility for the content, products, services, etc. available on these sites or from these sites.