A SoWeSign
secure attendance records
Presentation of the Vaucluse Direction of Insertion and Employment

The Vaucluse Direction of Insertion and Employment is responsible for promoting professional integration and managing employment initiatives within the department. It supports RSA beneficiaries, evaluates integration programs, and develops initiatives to improve access to employment and the quality of life for residents.

How did you manage the follow-up of RSA beneficiaries before implementing the solution?

Management was done in a paper-based format. The seven providers had beneficiaries sign paper attendance sheets at each meeting. At the beginning of each month, providers would email the attendance sheets along with an Excel spreadsheet from each provider recording the interviews actually conducted. A parallel check was performed to compare the interviews recorded in the spreadsheet with the attendance sheets for correction and billing validation.

The FSE questionnaire was sent along with the attendance sheets with a separate spreadsheet dedicated to the FSE. A check of the files of RSA beneficiaries entering the system was also conducted.

What was the trigger for implementing our solution, and how has it changed your daily work?

Billing control was very tedious and time-consuming. On average, each month, the control had to be done on 4,000 attendance records, with some sheets being of poor quality (illegible signatures) and overloaded.

The solution has changed our daily work very positively by eliminating these tedious and time-consuming tasks. Direct data entry is more secure, as RSA beneficiaries must sign on the same day, and this is validated by the case manager. With paper attendance, it was difficult to verify if signatures were reliable. SoWeSign has secured the follow-up and daily statistics.

How has SoWeSign met the objectives of your department and improved your work?

The department's objective is to control and evaluate the systems and tools of the Department of Insertion and Employment. SoWeSign has allowed us to secure the collection of FSE indicators, thereby securing the FSE grant. The quality of the extractions available on SoWeSign (custom-developed) has facilitated the verification of data recorded in our business software, IODAS. For example, an absence at an appointment leads to a removal or a report recorded under IODAS, while a presence validates a contract.

SoWeSign represents an improvement in work quality with secured information collected by case managers on a daily basis.